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/ Fritz: All Fritz / All Fritz.zip / All Fritz / FILES / EDUCMISC / TRANS13.LZH / FRENENG < prev    next >
Text File  |  1987-07-26  |  900b  |  113 lines

  1. a
  2. to
  3. abaisser
  4. lower
  5. abandon
  6. desertion
  7. abandonner
  8. abandon
  9. abasourdir
  10. stun
  11. abattre
  12. pull
  13. abbaye
  14. abbey
  15. abbe
  16. abbot
  17. abdiquer
  18. abdicate
  19. abdomen
  20. abdomen
  21. abeille
  22. bee
  23. abhorrer
  24. abhor
  25. abime
  26. abyss
  27. abimer
  28. spoil
  29. abject
  30. despicable
  31. aboiement
  32. bark
  33. abois
  34. at bay
  35. abolir
  36. abolish
  37. abonder
  38. abound
  39. abord
  40. manner
  41. aborder
  42. approach
  43. aboutir
  44. succeed
  45. aboyer
  46. bark
  47. abrasif
  48. abrasive
  49. abreger
  50. shorten
  51. abreuver
  52. water
  53. abreviation
  54. abbreviation
  55. abri
  56. shelter
  57. abricot
  58. apricot
  59. abriter
  60. shelter
  61. baiser
  62. fuck
  63. cave
  64. cellar
  65. caveau
  66. vault
  67. caviar
  68. caviar
  69. ceci
  70. this
  71. cela
  72. that
  73. celebre
  74. famous
  75. celer
  76. conceal
  77. cellule
  78. cell
  79. celui
  80. the one
  81. cendre
  82. ash
  83. cense
  84. supposed
  85. censurer
  86. censor
  87. cent
  88. hundred
  89. central
  90. central
  91. centre
  92. centre
  93. cep
  94. stock
  95. cependant
  96. however
  97. cerceau
  98. hoop
  99. cercle
  100. circle
  101. cereale
  102. cereal
  103. cerf
  104. stag
  105. chaos
  106. chaos
  107. chape
  108. trend
  109. chaque
  110. every
  111. merde
  112. shit